Medsafe Pharmacy
Retail Service


Medsafe Pharmacy

Medsafe Pharmacy stocks pharmaceutical brands that people know and trust and which are familiar to their customers. Medsafe Pharmacy’s Service Delivery Model ensures there are at least three (3) Pharmacists on-site Monday to Friday to guarantee a prompt and efficient service with minimal waiting periods.

More importantly, Medsafe customers will receive the correct advice about their health care and medication needs based on current clinical information.

Medsafe Pharmacy staff members are qualified, skilled, and experienced professionals who keep abreast of changing trends in pharmacy practice and medication management.

What we offer

Professional Pharmacist Advice (1 to 1)
Flu Vaccination services
Blood Pressure Check
Webster and/or Sachet packing
Medicinal Cannabis
Prescriptions which are kept on file or a Repeat Reminder Service
Return of Unwanted Medicines (RUM)
Mental Health First Aid
Free Local Delivery Services
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